Unified Public Service Centers (CUPS) – represent common access points to a wide range of public services available in electronic format.
Through the front-line segment, CUPS specialists provide information and technical support to citizens, helping the village population to send the complete file to providers and to obtain a certain public service more easily, through the local or neighboring CUPS office. In the first phase, CUPS will ensure the accessibility of citizens to a series of public services provided by the Public Institution "Public Services Agency" (ASP) and the National House of Social Insurance (CNAS). Subsequently, the list of public service providers and institutions will be extended.
The primary purpose of CUPS is:
- Simplifying the process of obtaining quality public services by citizens from rural areas and the diaspora.
- Diversification of the public service delivery channels.
- Development of tools for interaction and cooperation between public service providers.
- Bringing the Government closer to the people and increasing citizens' confidence in modernizing public services.
The CUPS project is implemented in stages:
- 1st stage includes piloting in the period of the years 2021-2023, 17 such centers at the level of local public administration, through selected mayoralties.
- 2nd stage involves the expansion of CUPS in another 83 localities, depending on the experience gained and the needs of citizens.
The concept regarding the activity, the form of organization, and the location of CUPS was approved by Government Decision no. 322 of November 10, 2021. The action is part of the project "Modernization of Government Services", carried out by the e-Governance Agency, with the financial support of the World Bank Group and the contribution of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and is part of the commitments to implement the digitization agenda and strategic priorities in this area.