Perspectives for improving data governance practices, privacy, data protection, effective use, and key components of data governance were discussed at the International Conference on “Data-based Governance for Effective Public Policy” on March 25th - 26th, 2024.
The event was organised by UNFPA Moldova in partnership with UNDP Moldova and the State Chancellery, with financial support from Switzerland and India, and provided a platform for discussion where experts from Moldova and around the world addressed key topics related to data governance. Participants formulated innovative proposals for effective governance, adapted to the real needs of citizens.
e-Governance Agency was represented by Igor Aramă, Head of Data Exchange and Interoperability Service presented the current priorities of the Republic of Moldova in the field of e-governance, as set out in the Digital Transformation Strategy for 2023-2030, especially regarding the importance of data exchange and digital infrastructure in achieving the objectives in this field.
During the panel, Igor Aramă pointed out that the e-Governance Agency, as the institution responsible for the e-Governance process in the Republic of Moldova, pays special attention to data, as it is the fundamental priority for the provision of public services in electronic format. Two basic tools used by EGA for data governance were highlighted: Government Data Portal ( for public data and the Interoperability Platform (MConnect) for personal data.
Representatives from central and local authorities, development partners, academic environment, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and the private sector attended the conference. Participants included prestigious representatives such as the Vienna Institute of Demography/Austria, Eurostat, Charles University/Czech Republic, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock/Germany and others.
This event provided the perfect opportunity to strengthen the capacity of Moldova and other countries in the region to respond effectively to demographic challenges, promoting a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders and facilitating the exchange of experience and knowledge between government, local authorities, civil society, academic environment, experts and international partner.